Hellblade Senua’s Sacrifice Guide

Turns out Valrvn like his goofs and gaffs. He won’t actually face off against you, but instead uses illusions to appear and disappear where the scarecrows are. He basically hints as to which direction you need to look for the illusion as his scarecrow doubles point where you need to look. Head to where Valrvn was standing and turn and look through the skull gate. This opens up a new way to go. Head to the bridge and cross it. You’ll see Valrvn again. Run to where he was and look through the gate he is pointing through. Look for the beam/crawlspace to appear in the wall and head towards it. This takes us to the final area.
In the next area, run to the ladder and climb up. On top of the wall is an Illusion Gate. Look through it towards the center platform and you will see stairs now appear. Make sure you run through the gate to activate it and then head down the ladder and through the conveniently placed door. Make your way to the platform and lineup the Ravens to unlock the door. Head through the Shape Gate. We are almost done.
Before reaching Illusion 4, there is some combat. Take out the enemies and move on to the area with Illusion 4.
Illusion 4
Illusion 4 is probably the most intensive of all the Illusions and this is mainly due to how big the area is. Head to Shape Gate and focus on it. You will realize there are a ton of Ravens in this room. That won’t do. We need to get rid of some. For clarity’s sake, I will break up this room into the Right and Left (FACING AWAY FROM THE RAVEN GATE).
I started with the right side of this room first. On this side, there is an stone building. It appears as though the building is walled off (we know better). Lower the bridge near the building and cross over to the Illusion Gate. Look through the Gate and it will reveal an opening in the wall. Make your way inside the building and open the locked door by the stairs. Head back to the Illusion Gate.
Look through the Illusion Gate but instead of wanting an open wall, we want it to be walled off. Head back to the building and go up onto the now complete wall. Make your way to the Illusion Gate up here and look through it so that there are less Ravens. That completes the Right side.
Make your way over to the left side, which is basically ruins of an old tower. Here we want to reach the gate which appears unreachable. Look for the Skull Gate near the Valrvn Scarecrow and incomplete bridge. Look through it towards the tower and a beam will appear. Use the beam to cross over to where the Illusion Gate is.
To access the Gate, simply go up to where the old tower and use the ladder. Climb the ladder and use the Illusion Gate to remove more ravens. Head down and make your way to the area pictured (still left side). Lineup the Ravens to open the Raven Door. Make your way through the gate and into the final illusion area.
Final Illusion
A lot of illusions huh? This is the final illusion before the boss fight and is relatively simple. All we need to do is get to the nest above us. To do this, head to the right (when facing the Raven Gate). Do not go up the stair yet, instead head to the hole in the wall. Head up the ladder and look through the Illusion Gate towards the huge tree branch. This clears a path for you. Head back down and go up the stairs.
Use the now cleared tree branch to cross over to the other side of the room. Make your way to the Illusion Gate here and use it to reveal a beam. Cross the beam and lower the bridge. Use the bridge to head back to the Illusion Gate.
Use the Illusion Gate to reveal a branch in leading up to the nest instead of the beam. Head back down and cross the bridge you lowered. Climb up the revealed branch and make your way to the center nest. Lineup the Ravens with the door and the fight with Valrvn triggers.
Boss: Valrvn
Fighting Valrvn introduces us to a new mechanic. Using Focus/The Mirror to fight shades. Basically when you begin the fight with Valrvn, there is a cutscene where Senua receives a mirror. This mirror can be triggered in combat to essentially slow down time and make enemies vulnerable. We won’t really use the mechanic until the end of the fight.
Valrvn is a crow like Norsemen who wields dual daggers. He is rather mobile and has a wide range of attacks. Coming from games like Dark Souls, I basically opted to dodge everything, but I assume you can block his attacks as well (hold RB).
Valrvn has a wide array of moves which include a charge attack (he charges you), dagger throw, and simple melee. All you need to do is dodge, attack, dodge, attack. Between Valrvn’s attacks, he has a rather wide window to deal damage. Once you do enough, Valrvn disappears and summons some normal Norsemen. Clear out the Norsemen and Valrvn returns. This time as a shade. Use your Focus when Valrvn is a shade and you can deal damage. Soon enough he will die.
Back to the Hell Gate
With Valrvn defeated, return to the Hell Gate. Here you will be attacked by Norsemen including new enemies in the heavies. These enemies wield maces and axes and take way more damage. Defeat the enemies and head to Surtr’s domain.