GTA Online: Keinemusik Missions Guide (How to Get the BF Weevil)

Featured image on Keinemusik Missions Guide for GTA Online.

The Cayo Perico update for GTA Online added a number of new additions to the popular Rockstar sandbox with music being a major focus. Thanks to the introduction of The Music Locker there are a number of real-world DJ’s that will appear in you game and will play music at the club. One of the real-world acts now in the game is the collective called Keinemusik. While playing music is their central purpose in-game Keinemusik also has a few missions attached to them for players to complete. See the complete Keinemusik missions guide below for more information.

How to Start Keinemusik Missions (English Dave)

Keinemusik missions are open world missions you can complete when English Dave calls you in free roam. There are a total of four Keinemusik missions players can complete to earn a special reward. Before you jump into your own free roam game there are a couple things you need to have completed for the missions to become available to you.

The requirements are that you’ve completed the Cay Perico heist at least once and second that you register as a CEO/VIP when in free roam. Once you’ve done both of these steps English Dave will call you and offer you the first mission. Accept the mission when offered to begin the Keinemusik quest-line. Keep in mind that Rockstar has added a real world timer on the mission refresh that is 8 hours, so you can’t just bang them out in a row.

Keinemusik Mission 1: Skateboard Merchandise

Image showing the skate merchandise van in GTA Online.

During the first phone call from English Dave you will get the first mission. This first mission is to steal a skate merchandise van and bring it to Cayo Perico. The van will be marked on your map so head to the location in downtown Los Santos when prompted. At the van you can take out the enemies around it or simply jump inside and steal it. Regardless of your approach start driving the van the LSIA. Lose the cops on the way and deliver the van to the airport drop-off location. You will fly to the island. Head back to Los Santos when able then wait 8 hours in real life.

Keinemusik Mission 2: Collect the Pizza

Image showing the second Keinemusik mission in GTA Online.

After you’ve waited eight hours you will receive another call from English Dave. This second call will be for the second Keinemusik mission. To complete this second mission you need to go to a pizza restaurant to collect some pizza. When you reach the marked restaurant you need to track down the delivery driver on the scooter located there. Take out the driver then jump on the scooter. Drive the scooter all the way to LSIA (there’s no combat) to deliver the pizza to Cayo Perico. Wait another 8 hours for the third and final mission.

Keinemusik Mission 3: Collect Shakra Stones

Image showing the Keinemusik Mission 3 collect Shakra Stones mission.

The final mission tasks you with heading out to the hippy trailer park in the desert. At this location you need to defeat the enemies there so they drop the 5 Shakra Stones we need to collect. Collect all 5 of the stones off the hippies then lose the cops that come after you. Once you’ve lost the cops make your way back to LSIA and deliver the stones to the quest marker. This will complete the final mission for Keinemusik.

Keinemusik Mission Reward: BF Weevil Car

Image showing the BF Weevil in GTA Online.

Upon completion of all three of the missions listed above you will not receive any sort of reward right away. This is intentional. To get the BF Weevil car either wait around in free roam for English Dave to call you or enter a new session. Once you’ve waited/entered a new session English Dave will contact you about a reward. This reward is the BF Weevil ($850k value) car with the special Love Machine Livery on it. To add the reward car to your collection make your way to top of the LSIA parking garage and the car will be there. Enter it to select the garage you wish to add it to.

This mission is one of a few DJ mission quest-lines in GTA Online. The other quests are helping out Moodymann and Palms Trax with different things around the city. Like this mission both of these DJ missions have their own special rewards attached to their completion.

Thoughts on our Keinemusik missions guide for GTA Online? Drop them in comments section below.



A lifelong gamer who has devoted the last six years to the creation and development of "Hold To Reset," a website tailored by gamers for gamers. Yell your hot takes at him on X.

4 responses

  1. Dylan. says:

    do i have to be a leader of the cayo perico heist or not?

  2. Bobprollydoessuck says:

    What the fresh hell are these comments tbh

  3. He knows says:

    Seriously bob. You suck.

  4. bob says:

    English Dave is the worst thing about GTA V online

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