God of War Ragnarok Berserkers Locations Guide

In God of War Ragnarok there are a number of different types of activities for players to complete when not pursuing the main storyline. One of these activities is a Favor that tasks you with fighting hard enemies referred to as Berserkers. These Berserkers are hidden throughout the different realms and can be found and fought for special rewards. To help you learn more about these enemies here’s our complete God of War Ragnarok Berserkers guide.
IMPORTANT: The Berserker bosses do not become available in-game until you reach The Path mission called The Word of Fate. During this mission you must travel to visit the Norn Witches. While you travel to the witches you pass through King’s Grave where you encounter a gravestone. Here you pick up The Inert Hilt of Skofnung which allows you to interact with the Berserker Gravestones you find in the world.
Fraekni the Zealous (Realm: Midgard)

Fraekni the Zealous is most likely the first Berserker you will challenge in the game. This Berserker is situated in Midgard directly east of the Lake of Nine Mystic Gateway that is next to the shop. Go to the map location shown in the screenshot above to find the Berserker Gravestone out in the open. Interact with it to summon Fraekni the Zealous. Defeat Fraekni to receive the following rewards:
- One of three unique Berserker Armor pieces.
- Tempered Remnants.
- Additional bonus items.
Once you’ve killed the Berserker and picked up the loot, return to the center of the arena and reclaim the sword hilt. This allows you to leave the boss arena and head onto the next fight.
Hardrefill the Callous (Realm: Svartalfheim)

Hardrefill the Callous can be found in the realm of Svartalfheim. This Berserker’s Gravestone is located directly south of the Nidavellir Beach Mystic Gateway. This area becomes available to access following the completion of Forging Destiny. Once you are able to fight it go to the map location shown above. Interact with the gravestone to summon Hardrefill the Callous. Defeat Hardrefill the Callous to receive the following rewards:
- Asgard’s Fortitude Enchantment.
- Tempered Remnants.
- Bonded Leather.
- Shattered Runes.
Once you’ve killed the Berserker and picked up the loot, return to the center of the arena and reclaim the sword hilt. This allows you to leave the boss arena and head onto the next fight.
Beigadr the Feared (Realm: Svartalfheim)

Beigadr the Feared is another Berserker you can find in the realm of Svartalfheim. This Berserker boss is located on Alberich Island, which lies on the north side of the Bay of Bounty. Make your way to the map marker shown above to reach the Berserker Gravestone. Interact with it to start the boss fight. Defeat Beigadr the Feared to receive these rewards:
- Asgard’s Might Enchantment.
- Tempered Remnants.
- Bonded Leather.
- Shattered Runes.
Once you’ve killed the Berserker and picked up the loot, return to the center of the arena and reclaim the sword hilt. This allows you to leave the boss arena and head onto the next fight.
Bodvar The Fierce and Starolfr The Troublesome (Realm: Svartalfheim)

Are you ready for a Berserker duo boss fight? This fight is located in the Svartalfheim’s Applecore/Jarnsmida Pitmines area. Go to the map location shown above to find the Berserker Gravestone. Interact with the gravestone to start the boss fight. Defeat both Bodvar The Fierce and Starolfr The Troublesome to receive the following rewards:
- Hind of the Nine Realms.
- Tempered Remnants.
- Bonded Leather.
- Gale Flame.
- Shattered Rune.
Once you’ve killed the Berserker duo and picked up the loot, return to the center of the arena and reclaim the sword hilt. This allows you to leave the boss arena and head onto the next fight.
Svipdagr the Cold and Sisters of Illska (Realm: Alfheim)

TO ACCESS: You need to free the first Hufgufa trapped beneath the desert.
If you thought fighting two Berserkers was tough, allow me to introduce to you the trio Berserker fight of Svipdagr the Cold and Sisters of Illska. This fight is located in the Realm of Alfheim in The Barrens at the location shown on the map above. Complete the fight against the trio to earn the following drops:
- One of three unique Berserker Armor pieces.
- Asgard’s Security.
- Hind of the Nine Realms.
- Tempered Remnants.
- Bonded Leather.
- Frozen Flame.
- Shattered Rune.
Once you’ve killed the Berserker trio and picked up the loot, return to the center of the arena and reclaim the sword hilt. This allows you to leave the boss arena and head onto the next fight.
Hjalti the Stolid (Realm: Alfheim)

TO ACCESS: You need to free the first Hufgufa trapped beneath the desert.
After the onslaught of Berserkers that was the last two fights, things slow down a bit with Hjalti the Stolid. This is a 1v1 battle that is much easier than the previous two fights. Hjalti is located in the Alfheim realm in The Forbidden Sands named area. Go to the location shown on the map above and trigger the gravestone. Defeat Hjalti to get the following rewards:
- Grip of the Nine Realms.
- Tempered Remnants.
- Bonded Leather.
- Shattered Rune.
Once you’ve killed the Berserker and picked up the loot, return to the center of the arena and reclaim the sword hilt. This allows you to leave the boss arena and head onto the next fight.
Hvitserker The Bold (Realm: Vanaheim)

The next Berserker you can fight is Hvitserker The Bold. This boss is located in the real of Vanaheim at the Pilgrim’s Landing named area. Go to the locations on the map above and interact with the gravestone to fight Hvitserker. Once you defeat Hvitserker you receive the following rewards:
- Pommel of the Nine Realms.
- Tempered Remnants.
- Shattered Runes.
- Bonded Leather.
Once you’ve killed the Berserker and picked up the loot, return to the center of the arena and reclaim the sword hilt. This allows you to leave the boss arena and head onto the next fight.
Haklanger the Bearded (Realm: Vanaheim)

TO ACCESS: Complete the Return to the River Favor to flood the Sinkholes area. This allows you to boat to the gravestone.
The next Berserker you can fight is located in the Vanaheim realm is Haklanger the Bearded. This Berserker is located in the Sinkholes named area. This area is accessed during the Scent of Survival Favor. In this area go to The Jungle and open the dam to flood the area. Once this is complete boat to the middle island to reach the gravestone. Interact with it and defeat Haklanger to earn the following rewards:
- Chaos Flame.
- Tempered Remnants.
- Shattered Runes.
- Bonded Leather.
Once you’ve killed the Berserker and picked up the loot, return to the center of the arena and reclaim the sword hilt. This allows you to leave the boss arena and head onto the next fight.
Skjothendi The Unerring (Realm: Niflheim)

TO ACCESS: Complete The Path (i.e. beat the Main Storyline) and speak to Ratatoskr at Sindri’s house to get additional seeds. Use the seeds to unlock the Mist Field Mystic Gateway.
Skjothendi The Unerring can be found in Niflheim. Go to the Mist Field Mystic Gateway and head along the path leading to the west. At the end of the path you will find the Berserker Gravestone. Interact with it to trigger the fight against Skjothendi The Unerring. Defeat Skjothendi The Unerring to receive the following rewards:
- One of three unique Berserker Armor pieces.
- Tempered Remnants.
- Shattered Runes.
- Bonded Leather.
Once you’ve killed the Berserker and picked up the loot, return to the center of the arena and reclaim the sword hilt. This allows you to leave the boss arena and head onto the next fight.
King Hrolf Hraki (Realm: Midgard)

Upon killing all twelve of the Berserkers listed above you will unlock the final fight against the king of the Berserkers. This fight takes place in the Realm of Midgard at the King’s Grave (where you got the hilt that started this all). Go there and interact with the grave that appears in the middle of the arena to start the boss fight Defeat the king to complete the Fit For a King Favor. As your reward you receive the Hilt of Skofnung Relic.
Thoughts on our God of War Ragnarok Berserkers locations & rewards guide? Drop them in the comments below.