Fortnite Chapter 2: Collect FORTNITE Letters Locations Guide

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The new update to Fortnite, Fortnite Chapter 2 brings with it a number of new challenges for players to complete. These challenges replace the previous Battle Stars approach and payout with experience now. One challenge players can undertake is the “Collect F-O-R-T-N-I-T-E letters in hidden Loading Screens” challenge. This challenge unlocks a mystery player skin. To help you find all the letters, use our Collect FORTNITE Letters locations guide below.


  • There are a total of eight letters to collect.
  • The letters are hinted at in Loading Screens you unlock by completing missions.
  • Not all missions are released right now.
  • Completing this objective is part of unlocking the mystery skin.

F Hidden in New World Loading Screen

Image showing the hidden F in the loading screen.

Note: You need to complete Any 8 Objectives in the New World Mission to unlock the New World Loading Screen.

The letters we are looking for are hidden across various loading screens. The F can be found in the loading screen above which shows three people on a ridge. On the right side of this picture there is a letter F on the hillside. This gives us a good idea of where to find the letter.

Letter F Location

The location shown on the New World Loading Screen can be found to the east of Lazy Lake. The ridge is overlooking the river here. Interact with the F to collect it and complete objective. Getting the F counts as 1/8 of the first Stage of the Mystery Item in the Alter Ego challenges.

O Hidden in Open Water Loading Screen

Note: You need to complete Any 8 Objectives in the Open Water Mission to unlock the Open Water Loading Screen.

The O letter can be found inside the Open Water loading screen. This loading screen is unlocked by completing the Open Water Challenges. You need to complete 8 of these challenges to unlock the loading screen pictured above. From this image we can glean an exact location for the hidden letter.

Letter O Location

Image showing the Letter O Location in Craggy Cliffs.

To find this letter make your way to Craggy Cliffs and head to the northern part of the map by the beach. Here you will find a building called Sticks with a deck suspended off the north edge. Inside the supports holding the deck up is the hidden letter O. Grab it to complete this challenge.

R Hidden in Forged in Slurp Loading Screen

Image showing the Forged in Slurp loading screen.

Note: You need to complete Any 8 Objectives in the Forged in Slurp Mission to unlock the Forged in Slurp Loading Screen.

The hidden R letter can be found in the Forged in Slurp loading screen (shown above). The loading screen shows the Slurp Plant and runoff heading into a swamp area. To get this loading screen for yourself you need to complete 8 objectives in the Forged In Slurp mission.

Letter R Location

Image showing the Letter R Location.

The hidden letter R can be found in the Slurpy Swamp on the east side of the Slurp Plant. The letter appears next to the runoff pipe. Grab the letter to complete the objective.

T Hidden in Dockyard Deal Loading Screen

Image showing the Hidden T in the Dockyard Loading Screen of Fortnite.

Note: You need to complete Any 8 Objectives in the Dockyard Deal Mission to unlock the Dockyard Deal Loading Screen.

You will find the hidden letter T in the Dockyard Deal Loading Screen. The T letter can be found in the top right corner of the loading screen on the crane there.

Letter T Location

Image showing the Hidden T location in Dirty Docks

The crane located in the loading screen can be found in the Dirty Docks along the south side of the location. Make your way up to the platform on top and you will find the letter T there.

N Hidden in The Lowdown Loading Screen

Image showing the Hidden N in The Lowdown Loading Screen.

Note: You need to complete Any 8 Objectives in The Lowdown Mission to unlock The Lowdown Loading Screen.

The hidden N can be found in The Lowdown Loading Screen on the top left corner of a hangar on a platform. This hangar is the E.G.O. Hangar southwest of Holly Hedges.

Letter N Location

Image showing the Hidden N Location in the E.G.O Hangar.

The location we can find this hidden letter at is the E.G.O. Hangar to the southwest of Holy Hedges. Inside the hangar make your way to the back left corner to find the letter waiting for you there next to some barrels.

This Collect FORTNITE Letters locations guide will be updated in the near future. For now drop a comment in The Pit below telling me what you think of the update so far?



Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

1 response

  1. Mikael says:

    I have collected all the letters but it still says I only managed 7/8. What am I missing? I have double checked all letters and I cant find any at their given location so that would mean that I’ve alreade have collected them.
    What might I be doing wrong??

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