Episode 3 2019 Guide: Deadly Premonition 2 A Blessing in Disguise

Once you’ve cleared Episode 2 2005 you will return to 2019 in Deadly Premonition A Blessing in Disguise. This sequence much like the previous two we’ve played in the present day has you questioning Francis further. To help you navigate this sequence we’ve put together a quick and dirty Episode 3 2019 guide. This guide highlights the story choices to pick when speaking to Francis.
Francis York Morgan in the Otherworld
At the end of Episode 2 2005 there is a short Otherworld sequence in which you crawl towards a cradle. All you have to do in this instance is push forward on the control stick so you crawl. Once you get far enough the cutscene will trigger.
Episode 3 2019: Further questioning of Francis York Morgan
After the cutscene in the Otherworld you will return to York’s apartment. Here Aaliyah Davis and Francis are speaking about the events we played through in the previous episode. After a length sequence you will be able to inspect the following:
- Jittering leg.
- Left – Ash in fireplace.
- Old messy letter (story selection).
Second round of inspecting selections:
- Right – Milk carton wall.
- Le Carre case files (story selection).
- Photo of Lise’s frozen body (story selection).
Third round of inspecting selections:
- Pondering Aaliyah (story selection).
After these three sequences of inspection selections you will trigger a cutscene. In this cutscene Francis smokes a fatty while trying not to puke. At one point in this scene Francis falls to the floor and spills his coffee. The coffee leaves a dragonfly on the carpet alongside a large footprint. Francis will then leave the room to get some medication from the bathroom. At this point Aaliyah will do a fourth round of inspecting selections:
- Right – Mess of pizza boxes.
- Empty box.
- Pondering Simon (story selection).
- Empty chair (story selection).
Fifth round of inspecting selections:
- Right – Mess of pizza boxes.
- Left – Record collection.
- Unfinished chess game.
- Pile of DVDs.
- Lightning in the sky.
- SR Wrapper (story selection).
Upon completion of this final round of inspecting selections sequences Aaliyah will go into the bedroom. Here she finds a number of stranger items related to the case. When you get control of Aaliyah walk forward and interact with the board. Once done with the board inspect the bed to trigger a cutscene that leads to Episode 3 2005.