Episode 3 2005 Guide: Deadly Premonition A Blessing in Disguise

As you progress deeper into the main story of Deadly Premonition 2 A Blessing in Disguise you will eventually reach Episode 3 2005. In this episode you will search for a Clarkson who is unknown to many people. This Clarkson daughter has an interesting history. To aid you on this investigation we’ve put together this Episode 3 2005 guide. Use it to make this episode a bit easier to navigate.
Le Carre Episode 3 2005 Guide
In this episode Francis gets closer to finding the missing link in the investigation. Like previous episodes you will spend the bulk of your time completing missions in this episode that take you around Le Carre. The missions listed below are in chronological order that you receive them.
M.44 The Altar
When you finally get control of Francis you are at the Lise’s Discovery Site. Here you will need to search for clues at the altar. To do go inside the cautioned off area and interact with the red exclamation mark. This starts an investigation:
- Up – Bridge girder.
- Red seed.
- Decomposing cloth.
- Flat stone.
- Right – Cut grass (story selection).
- Bootprint (story selection).
- Burn marks (story selection).
- Where Lise slept (story selection).
Upon selection of all story selections above you will complete the Investigation and M.44. Outside of the investigation you will get yelled at by Chuck Thompson from his hoverboat. Walk to the shore and talk to him.
After your conversation with Chuck Houngan will laugh. Interact with the river to start an Oracle Decryption in which you need to select the Memorial Oak Street then Dragonfly Crest Water Tower locations. This unlocks M.45 and M.47. Let’s start on M.45.
M.45 17 Comrades
Make your way over to Memorial Oak Street and inspect the 300-year old oak tree with the red exclamation mark on it. After you inspect the first tree cross the street and inspect the missing one. Francis will find a red seed here. After you get the seed a familiar face will appear from the previous game this ends M.45.
M.46 Red Tree
Follow the dalmatian through the town by running or riding your skateboard behind it. Eventually it will lead you to a Red Tree along the reservoir. Interact with the Red Tree then continue to follow the dalmatian to the next location which is another Red Tree near the Owl’s Nest. Interact with the tree again then follow the dalmatian once more to the next location. When you reach the third tree you will trigger a cutscene. After this cutscene the M.46 mission will end.
M.47-48 The Holy Olla
Head to the water tower to trigger a cutscene and complete M.47. Climb up the tower using the ladder on the exterior and inspect the tank to trigger another cutscene that shows you where the water tank is filled from. After this cutscene you will end up back on the ground where M.48 will end.
M.49 Isaac Lake
Use the waypoint on your compass to head to Isaac Lake. At Isaac Lake approach the sign to trigger an interaction. After this interaction an alligator will appear. This completes M.49.
M.50 Alligator Express
To complete M.50 you need to make your way through the alligators that are blocking the path to the water pump. To reach the pump your best options is to take out any that get near you while running along the path to the pump. When you reach the pump gate you will trigger a cutscene.
In the pump area climb the ladder to the upper platform and turn the red wheel there. Doing this will make the water start pumping again. This ends M.50.
M.51 Pipe Work
Go back to the water tower and climb the ladder again. On top of the water tower it is confirmed that the holy olla is filling up. This ends M.51.
M.52 Just Desserts
During the interaction on the water tower Danny Clarkson will appear. You will climb down the tower. Walk over to Danny and speak to him to complete M.52.
M.53 The Lady’s Finger
The third Oracle that Houngan gave you is to find ‘lady fingers’. This tip flies over Francis head and Patti is the one that figures it out. Turns out fingers mean okra’s which are pretty common in Louisiana. Patricia will lead you to some Okra so you need to follow her across town to Okra Boy on the drawbridge in town. In the mascot picture Okra Boy appears to be pointing at something with his left (your right) hand. This concludes M.53.
M.54 Bridge Control
Head over to the Drawbridge Control Room and go inside it. In the building interact with the control device for the drawbridge to trigger an interaction. Turns out the control room doesn’t work and the power has been disconnected. This completes M.54.
M.55 A Test – Bridge Control Panel Solution
The solution to the Bridge Control Panel is C-O-H. Francis will talk himself through the puzzle and will arrive at this conclusion if you leave it long enough. When you input the solution the locked gate outside the building will unlock, allowing you to go down the stairs there. When the door unlocks you complete M.55.
M.56 Entrance to the Forbidden
Leave the Bridge Control Room and head down the stairs to trigger an interaction. After this interaction the door will close shut behind you meaning you have to go deeper along the coast. This ends M.56 and triggers a cutscene where a deadly premonition occurs.
M.57 Secret Passage
To access the Control Cabin you will need to defeat roughly 20 enemies in this area. The only reason you should die here is from the frame drops. There is a ton of space to run around so avoiding enemies is fairly easy. When you do defeat them all the door to the cabin will become accessible. Go to it and go inside. In the cabin an interaction will occur and M.57 will end.
Walk forward into the cabin and interact with the table to start an Inspection. Pick the organs as they are your only option here. When you select the organs a custscene will play. After this cutscene look to the right and interact with the journal there. Francis will read the journal. Turn left after this and interact with the Research Device. Look to the right after this and interact with the desk. Go back to the journal when able. Interact with the walkie-talkie to end this section of the mission.
M.58 Pineapple
When you come to interact with the puddle on the floor to trigger Hougan. Hougan holds up a pineapple that serves as the Oracle. This triggers M.58 which is to return to your hotel room to put it all together. Simply leave the area and head back to the hotel. Head up to your room and interact with the Link Board and use the following links when prompted:
- Candy Woods.
- She had intercourse with her brother.
- Melvin Woods.
- Any selection.
Upon organizing the evidence on the Link Board you will complete M.58. You will then need to go sunbathing. But not that kind of sunbathing.
M.59 Liquid Sunshine
While this quest is active there is no waypoint on your map. Instead what you want to do is head to Alexus Diner & Lane. When you enter the restaurant a cutscene will trigger in which Alexus will offer to serve Francis coffee. When Francis drinks the coffee Hougan laughs and the world stands-still. Francis will have a delusion and will spill the coffee so it forms an arrow pointing to a boathouse. Leave the diner to end M.59.
M.60 The Boathouse
To find the boathouse you need to head to the roof of the Cold Storage Warehouse (Clarkson Food Delivery Services) between 8:00-17:00. At this location head to the building to the far west and you will encounter Danny. Speak to Danny to head up to the sign. From the sign Francis will identify the location of the boathouse. Upon heading down from the sign you will complete M.60.
M.61 Poachers
After you come down from the sign you will head over and speak to Avery. When this interaction is finished make your way to the Thompson’s Farm and walk over to Chuck who’s on the deck of the shack to trigger an interaction. During this interaction Chuck will skip rocks. This completes M.61.
M.62 Maestro
This quest tasks you with getting a score of over 5 points in Stone Skipping. This mini-game is fairly straightforward to complete. All you need to do is make the rock jump by pressing A as it nears the water. The smaller the circle the better the jump. Do this atleast five times in succession and you will complete M.62 and Chuck will agree to take you to the boathouse.
M.63 Swamp Tour
Go to the dock and get in the airboat. Complete the airboat mini-game and Chuck will drop you on the banks of the river a bit of a ways from the boathouse. Walk forward to trigger a cutscene where a deadly premonition occurs.
To reach the beachhouse you need to go through a bit of a maze. To successfully navigate this maze you will want to rely on your mini-map as it shows you all the paths. At the end of the maze you will reach the boathouse and the final stage.
M.64 Blood Purge
Go inside the boathouse to trigger a cutscene. Inside the boathouse Melvin is undertaking a ritual in an attempt to rebuild the Clarkson’s legacy. Once this cutscene comes to an end you will flick your cigarette and will grab Patti. After another cutscene you will enter Investigation mode:
- Far left debris (story selection).
- Bottom right debris (story selection).
Move the debris at from the spots listed above to free Francis. Once free Francis will attempt to save Patti who wants Francis to save Melvin. Melvin tells Francis to save Patti and that’s what he does.
After the cutscene you will finish Episode 3 2005 and a familiar NPC will be seen walking across the drawbridge in town. This single the end of the episode and the start of Episode 4 2019.