Endless Extermination S.04 Guide: Deadly Premonition 2 A Blessing in Disguise

Featured image on The Natural Born Wild Bunch S.02 Guide

Once you complete the three quests for Melvin he will offer you one more quest to complete in Deadly Premontion 2 A Blessing in Disguise. This quest called S.04 Endless Extermination is an amalgamantion of all the quests we’ve completed for him so far. In short you need to hunt 30 Bees, 30 Wild Dogs, and 30 Alligators. To defeat these enemies use our Endless Extermination S.04 guide below.

Note: This quest is bugged so the count of animals will appear to be complete after hitting 30 for one type. You still need to kill the other animals.

Where to Find Bees

Image showing the map locations of where to start the Yellow Devils side quest and where to find bees in Deadly Premonition 2.

You will find bees inside four beehives on the north side of the Park. When you run up to the hives the bee swarms will attack you. Shoot the swarms then shoot the hives. Defeat all four hives and bees then repeat the process (since the hives respawn quickly) until you have 30 defeated.

Where to Find Wild Dogs

Image showing map locations of where to find Wild Dogs in Deadly Premonition 2 A Blessing in Disguise.

You will find pockets of Wild Dogs on the west section of Le Carre. The numbers above highlight these pockets. Aim for the head when you encounter these animals. Defeat 30 dogs then move onto alligators.

Where to Find Alligators

Image showing where to find Alligators for S.03 in Deadly Premonition 2 A Blessing in Disguise.

The best location to farm the 30 alligators is Isaac Lake. This large bed of water is full of alligators you can easily hunt. Simply ride around the exterior on your skateboard and jump off to take down these beasts when they are near.

Once you’ve farmed the required animal kills make your way back to the police station. Talk to Melvin and he will give you a special bounty of $150.00 and you will unlock the S.1-3 as bounties. Probably not worth the time and effort to complete it, but oh well.

Thoughts on our Endless Extermination S.04 guide? Drop them in The Pit below.



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