Encampment Buildings List – Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Image showing the Blacksmith building.

Once you reach England in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla you will start up a settlement. In this settlement you can build various buildings to provide serves and other unlocks during your playthrough. To keep track of these buildings I’ve put together the quick Assassin’s Creed Valhalla encampment buildings list below. Consult the list to learn the requirements for building each building and what services they provide.


  • You will only have access to five buildings at Settlement level 1.
  • Collect material by completing raids and other activities.
  • Build buildings to help make yourself stronger.

Settlement Level 1 Buildings


The first building you will build (in quest Settling Down) is the Blacksmith. This building is located just north of the dock. To build this building you need 400 Supplies and 30 Raw Materials. When the Blacksmith building is completed you will unlock the ability to upgrade your gear. This allows you to make pieces stronger.


On the Dock there is a building you can build which houses the Barracks. This building allows you to create your Jomsviking, recruit other Jomsviking, and manage your crew. To build the barracks in your settlement requires 400 Supplies and 30 Raw Materials.

Trading Post

Just up the hill from the Barracks is the Trading Post. With this building built you can purchase resources and unique items in exchange for silver. To build this building you need to provide 400 Supplies and 30 Raw Materials.

Hidden Ones Bureau

Across the path from the Trading Post is the Hidden Ones Bureau. If you interact with the sign out front of this tent you will trigger a side mission called To Serve the Light… This side mission tasks you with first building the Hidden Ones’ Bureau. To build this building you will need 400 Supplies and 30 Raw Materials. Once the building is complete you will be able to Order of the Ancients mission here.

Stable and Aviary

Image showing the settlement stable in Assassin's Creed Valhalla.

On the northwest side of the Longhouse you will find the Stable and Aviary building. When built the Stable and Aviary building allows players to train mounts, purchase new mounts, and purchase new birds. The training you can get for your mount encompasses the following skills:

  • Swimming Lessons: All mounts gain the ability to swim.
  • Endurance Training (multiple levels): All mounts’ stamina efficiency is improved.
  • Strength Training: Increase the health of your mounts.

Like the other buildings making the Stable and Aviary will cost you 400 Supplies and 30 Raw Materials.

Settlement Level 2 Buildings

Fishing Hut

The Fishing Hut unlocks once you reach Settlement Level 2. This building allows you to receive deliveries of fish. It also unlocks the Fishing Line. To build the Fishing Hut you need to provide 600 Supplies and 45 Raw Materials.


The Bakery is another level 2 building you will unlock for your settlement as you build more structures. This building improves the Feast Buff giving you you +25 Health. Like the Fishing Hut it will cost you 600 Supplies and 45 Raw Materials to build this structure.


The Bakery is another level 2 building you will unlock for your settlement as you build more structures. This building improves the Feast Buff giving you you +25 Health. Like the other level 2 structures it will cost you 600 Supplies and 45 Raw Materials to build it.

Hunter’s Hut

Next to the Longhouse you will find the Hunter’s Hut building. When the Hunter’s Hut is completed you will unlock the ability to hunt Legendary Animals. Hunting these animals will earn you special rewards from Wallace and Petra. To build this building costs 600 Supplies and 45 Raw Materials.

Tattoo Shop

Also close to the Longhouse is the Tattoo Shop. Use 600 Supplies and 45 Raw Materials to build this building. When the structure is complete you gain the ability to change haircuts and adorn yourself in tattoos.


The Museum can be found to the north of the Longhouse. When you build this building for 600 Supplies and 45 Raw Materials you can bring Roman artifacts to Octavian. He will give you rewards in exchange.

This concludes our look at all the buildings in the encampment, what they do, and how to build them. You should easily be able to build all of the buildings mentioned above over the course of a playthrough. Just be sure to complete raids whenever they are available so you have adequate supplies.

Settlement Level 3 Buildings


The Cartographer can be built once you reach Settlement Level 3. When this building is created for 800 Supplies and 80 Raw Materials you will unlock maps that will pinpoint valuable items and resources.

Cattle Farm

The Cattle Farm can be built for 800 Supplies and 80 Raw Materials. When this building is built you will unlock the improvement to the Feast Buff and gives +3.0 Ranged Damage.

Grain Farm

The Grain Farm can be built for 800 Supplies and 80 Raw Materials. When this building is built you will unlock the improvement to the Feast Buff and gives +3.0 Armor.

Seer’s Hut

Building the Seers Hut for 800 Supplies and 60 Raw Materials allows you to delve into strange visions.

Alvis and Holger’s House

Building Alvis and Holger’s House for 800 Supplies and 60 Raw Materials will improve the Feat Buff and give you +3.8 in Assassination Damage.

For more guides like this one check out our Assassin’s Creed Valhalla guide and walkthrough. This hub has a number of guides for this Ubisoft title.

Thoughts on our Encampment Buildings List for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla? Let me hear them in the comments below.



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