Elden Ring Weeping Peninsula Map Fragment Location

To the southeast of Limgrave there is an area called the Weeping Peninsula in Elden Ring. This location shrouded in mist on your map when you first arrive. There is a single map fragment for you to find in this area to reveal it. The guide below will show you the Elden Ring Weeping Peninsula Map Fragment location.
Map: Weeping Peninsula Location
When you enter the Weeping Peninsula keep following the south path that leads to the Castle Morne. Just north, outside the Castle Morne, you will find the inscribed pillar. Next to this pillar is the Map: Weeping Peninsula fragment. Grab the fragment here to add it to your inventory. Once the fragment is in your inventory the covering on your map will disappear.
There a number of interesting things for players to find in this area. These include catacombs, bosses, and a sealed tower that needs to be opened. Alongside all of these locations are a number of weapons and armor sets. Make sure you explore as much as possible.
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