Elden Ring Mimic Tear Ashes Summon Location

In Elden Ring there are summons players can use of a variety of different enemy types. These summons are found throughout the world and must be collected to be added to your team. One summon is the Mimic Tear. This summon acts like the Mimic Tear boss in that it will take the form of your characters as you fight. If you want to find this summon, use our Elden Ring Mimic Tear Ashes summon location guide below.
Note: Requires 1x Stonesword Key.
Reach the Ancestral Woods Site of Grace
To get the Mimic Tears you need to access the Nokron, Eternal City by way of the crater left by the star after defeating Starscourge Radahn in the Wailing Dunes. After you reach this location travel forward and defeat the Mimic Tear boss. From the Mimic Tear Site of Grace I will explain where to go to reach the Nokron Treasure.

Take the bridge northeast until your reach the path heading to the land below that is going west. Follow the path until you see a druid sorcerer on a rock. Veer off from the path and head left. Take your next left and you will arrive at the Ancestral Woods Site of Grace.
How to Get to the Fog Door

From the Site of Grace turn southwest and look towards the buildings. Walk to the edge of the cliff and jump down onto the rooftop below. Continue southwest to the end of the roof and drop down onto the little lip on the next building. Go west and then head around the corner. You will see a body hanging onto the next building. Jump to it. Continue southwest across the building.

This next part is a bit tricky. There are mimics on the courtyard area below you. Jump to the round roof building and then jump to the courtyard where the mimics are. Run southwest then turn south and run down the corridor there. You will come to a broken arch that passes over the street below. Run across the arch and go through the window to enter the building.
Inside the building you are on the second floor. From the window run east past the statues to reach the Fog Door. Spend your 1x Stonesword Key to open the door. Defeat the enemy inside and open the chest to receive the Mimic Tear Ashes.
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