Elden Ring Cathedral of Dragon Communion Guide

In Elden Ring there are a number of dragon bosses players can fight. Each time a dragon boss is defeated they receive a special Dragon Heart item. These items can be exchanged for skills at the Cathedral of Dragon Communion. To learn more see our Elden Ring Cathedral of Dragon Communion guide below.
Where to Find the Cathedral of Dragon Communion
To exchange Dragon Hearts for skills you need to visit a place called the Cathedral of Dragon Communion. This church is located in the Caelid region along the south edge. When you reach this location head inside, clear out the enemies, then grab the Site of Grace.
What to Do with Dragon Hearts
Inside the cathedral ruins there is a dead dragon. Next to the dead dragon there is a red flaming altar. Approach the altar and interact with it. This brings up a menu that contains the option to take part in the Ritual of Dragon Communion. Select this option to See the available spells for purchase. They are as follows (updating):
Spell | Cost (in Dragon Hearts) |
Dragonfire | 1 |
Agheel’s Flame | 2 |
Magma Breath | 1 |
Theodorix’s Magma | 2 |
Glintstone Breath | 1 |
Smarag’s Glintstone Breath | 2 |
Rotten Breath | 1 |
Ekzyke’s Decay | 2 |
Dragonice | 1 |
Borealis’s Mist | 2 |
Dragonclaw | 1 |
Dragonmaw | 1 |
Greyoll’s Roar | 3 |
When you defeat named dragon enemies you unlock more spells. After you’ve beaten any of the dragon bosses you will get a prompt telling you there is a new spell at the Cathedral of Dragon Communion.
Thoughts on our Elden Ring Cathedral of Dragon Communion guide? Drop them in the comments below.
Big bug for pc than because i get the message and no new spells will appear at the church
Same on console
I’ve heard. Guess just wait for From to fix it.
there are 2 communions one is on the island and the other is in calide past the rotten dragon ekzyke, new spells appear at the one in calide mostly