Destiny 2: The Guardian Games Guide

Featured image on The Guardian Games Guide for Destiny 2

In Destiny 2 there is a new seasonal event happening called The Guardian Games. This new event pits the different guardian classes against each other in an effort to gain points and score sweet rewards. To help you complete this new seasonal event use our The Guardian Games guide below.

How to Start the Guardian Games

Image showing How to Start the Guardian Games in Destiny 2.

Make your way to the Tower and speak to Eva Levante to start the new seasonal event. Once you’ve spoken to Eva you will receive the first step in this quest which is to speak to Zavala about the Guardian Games. He will help you to get started.

Register and Start the Guardian Games

Image showing how to register and start the Guardian Games in Destiny 2.

Upon speaking to Eva head over to Zavala on the Tower and speak to him. Zavala will allow you to select a piece of gear from the new gear sets for Hunter, Titan, and Warlock. Upon selection of your new gear piece you will receive the next quest step called Class Spirit. To complete Class Spirit simply equip the armor piece you selected from Zavala. Once the piece is equipped return to Eva and speak to her to receive the Guardian Games Registration quest.

To complete the Guardian Games Registration quest step head down to The Drifter wearing your Guardian Games gear. Speak to The Drifter to have him register you. After you’ve been registered you will receive a Gold Medal. Take this Gold Medal and deposit it at the Guardian Games Podium in the Tower (as shown above). Once the medal is deposited you will receive some rewards and a new quest step to return to Eva. Do this now and collect the On Your Laurels Exotic challenge.

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A lifelong gamer who has devoted the last six years to the creation and development of "Hold To Reset," a website tailored by gamers for gamers. Yell your hot takes at him on X.

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