Control: A Dark Place Guide

Featured image on Control A Dark Place Guide.

The first quest you will need to complete in the Control AWE DLC expansion is called A Dark Place. This quest starts once you’ve gained access to the AWE DLC. Like other starting quests you will need to complete a number of quest steps to advance this quest. To help you complete this first quest use our A Dark Place guide below.

Go to the Executive Sector Elevator

Image showing the Sector Elevator in the Executive area of Control.

The first couple of quest steps for this quest take place in the Executive/Central Executive area. Ensure you have the A Dark Place quest active then make your way to this location. From this location head to the Sector Elevator. As you approach you will see an image of someone sitting at a typewriter. Could it be Alan Wake? When you close enough your objective will change. All you need to do is get in the elevator and use the button to go to the Investigations Sector.

Explore the Investigations Sector

When you get off the elevator (after the doors slowly open) you will arrive in the Sector Head Office area. In this area your objective will change to Explore the Investigations/Sector Head Office. Walk forward from the elevator into the large square room.

Image showing the Sector Head Office room in Control's AWE DLC.

Note: If you are into lore explore this area thoroughly as there are many collectibles like files, etc.

Inside this square room you will see a power core on the left wall. Before you grab it clear the stuff blocking access to the door on the right wall. Once clear grab the power core and go through the cleared doorway. Take the power core up the stairs so you can place it in the socket in the room above. Once this is complete you will power up the gate on the top right corner of the square room. Head to the gate and press the red buttons to go into the next area with the Control Point.

Activate the Control Point then continue forward towards the Sealed Area. Pull the cable dangling from the ceiling when prompted three times to trigger a cut scene with Alan Wake. This cut scene starts the DLC content. After the cut scene is through you will be inside the Oceanview Motel.

Traverse the Oceanview Motel

Image showing the Traverse the Oceanview Motel quest in Control's AWE.

Once you have control (pun intended) head forward into the main area of the Oceanview Motel. As you get close a new objective will trigger that tasks you with traversing the Oceanview Motel. To traverse the motel do the following:

  1. Ring the bell on the front desk.
  2. Go down the hallway to rooms 222 + 224. Turn off the TV in 222 and Radio in 224.
  3. Head back to the front desk and turn off the vending machine beside it. This opens room 226.
  4. Go into room 226 and interact with the light on the desk. Head back to the front desk to trigger a Hotline.
  5. Run into the other hallway and open the door with the inverted triangle on it. Pull the cord three times to get teleported back to the Investigations/Sector Head Office.

Back in the Investigations/Sector Head Office area the path that was previously blocked off will be accessible. You will also get a new objective to Explore the Investigations Sector again.

Explore the Investigations Sector (Again)

Image showing how to reach the Investigations Sector in Control AWE DLC.

Walk along the now opened path until you reach the break in it. Look to the right and you will see more paths you can float & dash to. Make the voyage to the path that has the yellow tarp on it and the doors here will open. Head down the path to reach the Investigations Sector.

In the first room of the Investigations Sector you will encounter a couple of enemies. Dispatch of the enemies and continue heading forward down the hallway. Follow this hallway until you reach the next Control Point. Activate the Control Point and enter the nearby Vault for some goodies. Leave the Vault and head into the Filing and Processing area.

Filing and Processing Light Source

Image showing the Light Source to remove Darkness in the Filing and Processing Room of Control's AWE DLC.

In the Filing and Processing room walk forward to trigger a number of Hiss to spawn. Take out these enemies then head to the right towards the Service Tunnel. In this hallway you will see Darkness covering the double-doors. Lift up a floodlight and shine it on the Darkness to destroy it. Go through the double-doors and into the next room.

Look above you in this room with the large generators to see a yellow tarp on a walkway above. Jump up to this walkway. Follow the walkway to the door and go through it into the Service Tunnels.

Follow the linear path of the Service Tunnels until you reach a door on your left at the end. Go through this door into the room to find a Control Point. Use the Control Point then head through the double-doors into the next corridor. On the wall in front of you will be a directory. The only way we can go right now is to the Operations Center to the right. Walk through the doors to trigger another interaction with Alan.

Getting the Operations Center Power On

Image showing how to get the Operations Center Power On.

Inside the Operations Center you need to turn the power back on. To do this head down the stairs on the left side of the top floor so you reach the floor below. On the lower floor head along the left wall to find another set of stairs. Go up these stairs into a room with a Power Core in it. Grab the Power Core and take it back to the socket on the second floor near where you entered the room to turn power back on which gives you access to the room blocked by Darkness on the second floor.

Take the Power Core out of the socket and go into the control room you can now access on the second floor. Put the Power Core into the socket on the back wall of this room to power up the switch nearby. Activate the switch to power up the room. Upon activation a couple of Hiss enemies will appear on the floor below. Clear them out then head through the double-doors leading to Active Investigations. Here you will find another Control Point. Use it then head into Active Investigations.

Active Investigations – Activate the Light to Defeat the Hiss Creature

Image showing the switch you need to activate to defeat the Hiss creature in AWE DLC.

Once in Active Investigations you will encounter the Darkness. While standing in the Darkness you ability core will drain. To trigger the encounter in this room you must complete you need to enter the elevator in the middle of the room. When you do this a large Hiss will appear. Wait for the elevator to open then complete the following by traveling through the room in a clockwise manner:

  1. Place Power Core into yellow generator socket slightly right of you.
  2. Take Power Core from yellow wall stock pile (to the right when facing) first generator.
  3. Place Power Core in generator to the right of stock pile.
  4. Take Power Core from yellow wall stockpile and go through the illuminated offices behind generator from step 3 to the roof.
  5. Place Power Core in socket on generator on the roof across the room.
  6. Take final Power Core from stockpile and place on control platforming across from generator from step 5.
  7. Flip switch on control platform to activate lights.

When you follow the steps above you will trigger a cut scene where the lights will turn on. This scares away the Hiss monster. Head back to the elevator in the middle of the room and ride it up to get a new step to speak with Langston on the intercom.

Speak with Langston on the Intercom

Leave the elevator and walk forward to the intercom that is between two consoles. Interact with the intercom to speak to Langston. Upon speaking to Langston you will complete this quest. This will unlock the Familiar Methodologies trophy/achievement and The Third Thing quest that has two investigations:

  • Find Hartman in the Fra Mauro AWE area.
  • Find Hartman in the Eagle Limited AWE area.

This is all you need to know to complete the A Dark Place quest in the AWE expansion for Control. Since this is the opening mission it is fairly linear to complete. As we advance further in the DLC things get slightly more complicated.

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Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

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