Bloodstained Ritual of the Night Ammunition Recipe Book Locations

In Bloodstained Ritual of the Night you collect books to broaden the available recipes you can craft. These recipes range from food dishes to ammunition. This guide will show you all the ammunition recipe book locations currently in the game.
Special Ammo/R Book Location
Make your way to the upper interior area of the left tower in the Towers of Twin Dragons. Head to the right of the Fast Travel room until you reach the room marked on the map above. In this room you will find a green chest with the Special Ammo/R.
Elemental Ammo/R Book Location
Make your way to the Forbidden Underground Waterway portion above the waterfall room. Head to the map spot shown above to reach a green chest with the Elemental Ammo/R book inside.
Potent Ammo/R Book Location
Head to the Hidden Underground to find another set of ammunition recipes. To reach this room you need to have double jump and Reflector Ray or super jump. Once you jump up through the falling sand you will see a green chest. Inside the chest is the Potent Ammo/R.
Ultimate Ammo/R Book Location
Make your way to the Inferno Cave with the Invert and Reflector Ray abilities to reach the room marked on the map above. Once you enter the room you will see a green chest containing the Ultimate Ammo/R. This is the final ammunition book to collect.
That’s all four of the ammunition recipe books currently available in Bloodstained Ritual of the Night. Collecting these books will allow you to craft your own ammo at Johannes. This means you will be able to run more efficient gunner builds than if you have to farm for ammunition. Happy hunting!
More: food recipe book locations.