All Online Awards List – Red Dead Online

What Are Awards in Red Dead Online
Awards are earned for completing certain activities in RDO. When you earn a reward it will pop up on your screen (as seen above).

Red Dead Online features its own take on the challenges found in the game’s single player mode. These challenges require you to complete certain goals in order to receive gold and XP bonuses. To keep track of all challenges, check out the awards list for Red Dead Online below.

What Are Awards in Red Dead Online?

What Are Awards in Red Dead Online

Awards are earned for completing certain activities in RDO. When you earn a reward it will pop up on your screen (as seen above).

Awards are a type of unlock in Red Dead Online. You can earn awards by completing certain milestones in the game’s multiplayer (think single player challenges). There are a total of 425 awards you can unlock across 12 gameplay categories. Within each category there specific awards you can unlock. Each award has different tiers with the highest being a Gold Belt Buckle. For earning the Gold Belt Buckle, you receive XP. Certain awards can be reset so you can complete them infinitely. Resetting an award nets you Gold.

Sharpshooter (121 Awards)

Sharpshooter (121 Awards) in Red Dead Online

The Sharpshooter category has a number of awards for you to earn in RDO.

  • Kill enemies with a pistol (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill enemies with a revolver (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill enemies with a repeater (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill enemies with a rifle (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill enemies with a sniper rifle (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill enemies with a shotgun (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill enemies with a melee weapon (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill enemies with a throwing weapon (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill enemies with a bow (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill enemies with a pistol headshot (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill enemies with a revolver headshot (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill enemies with a repeater headshot (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill enemies with a rifle headshot (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill enemies with a sniper rifle headshot (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill enemies with a shotgun headshot (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill enemies with a bow headshot (5/25/50/75/100).
  • Kill enemies from horseback (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill players from behind (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Get executions (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Get hatshots (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill enemies using Dead Eye (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill 2 players in a single Dead Eye use (5/25/50/75/100).
  • Kill 10 enemies in a single Dead Eye use (10).
  • Get assists (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill 3 enemies with a sniper rifle headshot in 10 seconds (3).
  • Kill 1 player with a bow from 100m (1).
  • Kill 50 enemies consecutively with the same weapon (50).
  • Kill 6 enemies with a revolver without reloading (6).
  • Acquire 19 guns (19).

Combat (55 Awards)

Combat (55 Awards) in Red Dead Online

Under the Combat category you will find a total of 55 awards in RDO.

  • Kill enemies (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill enemies by firing from the hip (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Run down enemies with a coach (5/25/50/75/100).
  • Trample enemies to death with a horse (5/25/50/75/100).
  • Kill enemies with fire (5/25/50/75/100).
  • Counter while brawling (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill enemies after you died (5/25/50/75/100).
  • Kill enemies with mounted weaponry (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill enemies while drunk (5/25/50/75/100).
  • Kill enemies who incapacitated/killed a Posse Member (5/25/50/75/100).
  • Kill enemies as a coach passenger (5/25/50/75/100).

Hunting (42 Awards)

Hunting (42 Awards) in Red Dead Online

The Hunting category has its own set of awards.

  • Kill animals (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill flying birds (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill 1 flying bird with an arrow (1).
  • Kill 2 animals in a single explosion (1/5/10/15/20).
  • Kill small animals with the bow (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill medium animals with a knife (5/25/50/75/100).
  • Collect animal parts (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Kill animals from a moving train (5/25/50/75/100).
  • Kill 100 types of animal (100).
  • Kill animals who incapacitated/killed a Posse Member (5/25/50/75/100).

Survivalist (12 Awards)

Survivalist (12 Awards) in Red Dead Online

There are 12 awards in the Survivalist category.

  • Pick herbs (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Taste herbs (20).
  • Craft items (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Learn unique crafting recipes (20).

Crimes (20 Awards)

Crimes (20 Awards) in Red Dead Online

Commiting crimes can earn you a number of awards.

  • Lasso enemies from horseback and hogtie them (5/25/50/75/100).
  • Drag an enemy with a lasso from horseback (5 miles/25 miles/50 miles/75 miles/100 miles).
  • Survive a wanted level (5 mins/10 mins/30 mins/60 mins/120 mins).
  • Lose a wanted level (5/25/50/75/100).

Travel (39 Awards)

Travel (39 Awards) in Red Dead Online

As you travel around the world of RDO you can collect some awards.

  • Travel by train (10 miles/50 miles/100 miles/500 miles/1000 miles).
  • Travel on foot (10 miles/50 miles/100 miles/500 miles/1000 miles).
  • Travel by canoe (5 miles/25 miles/50 miles/75 miles/100 miles).
  • Travel by horse (10 miles/50 miles/100 miles/500 miles/1000 miles).
  • Travel a total of 1898 miles (1898 miles).
  • Jumped from a horse onto a moving train (5/25/50/75/100).
  • Ride on horseback from Valentine to Strawberry in 3:30 mins (3:30 mins).
  • Ride on horseback from Emerald Ranch to Braithwaite Manor in 3:45 mins (3:45 mins).
  • Ride on horseback from Colter to Adler’s Ranch in 1:30 mins (1:30 mins).
  • Travel by coach (5 miles/25 miles/50 miles/75 miles/100 miles).
  • Travel as a coach passenger (5 miles/25 miles/50 miles/75 miles/100 miles).

Trade (34 Awards)

Trade (34 Awards) in Red Dead Online

Trade you way to these awards.

  • Visit 50 shops (50).
  • Purchase consumable items (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Purchase 100 unique clothing items (100).
  • Spend cash in shops ($10/$50/$100/$500/$1000).
  • Sell an item to 3 shop types (3).
  • Sell herbs to a Doctor (5/25/50/75/100).
  • Earn 100 gold nuggets (100 nuggets).
  • Collect items from your delivery box (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Sell animal products to a Butcher (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Sell valuables to a Fence (10/50/100/500/1000).

General (13 Awards)

General (13 Awards) in Red Dead Online

The General category has 13 awards for you to earn.

  • Reach maximum dishonor.
  • Reach maximum honor.
  • Find treasure using a Map (5/25/50/75/100).
  • Loot enemies (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Collect 16 tier 3 Ability Cards (16).

Horse (3 Awards)

Horse (3 Awards) in Red Dead Online

There are 3 horse awards you can earn in Red Dead Online.

  • Achieve maximum bond level with your horse.
  • Purchase unique horse breeds (5).
  • Survive a fall of 10 metres with your horse (10).

Posse (17 Awards)

Posse (17 Awards) in Red Dead Online

The Posse system has a number of awards attached to it.

  • Spend time as a Posse Leader (100 hours)
  • Spend time as a Posse Member (100 hours).
  • Revive Posse Members (10 revives/50 revives/100 revives/500 revives/1000 revives).
  • Get Posse assists (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Complete Posse Versus challenges (10/50/100/500/1000).

Free Roam (13 Awards)

Free Roam (13 Awards) in Red Dead Online

In Free Roam you can collect the following rewards.

  • Complete Free Roam mission from 10 characters (10/25/50/75/100).
  • Complete Free Roam missions (10/50/100/500/1000).
  • Complete 4 Free Roam missions in a day (4).
  • Clear 4 hideouts in a day (4).
  • Clear hideouts (5/25/50/75/100).

Competitive (56 Awards)

Competitive (56 Awards) in Red Dead Online

The Competitive modes have a number of awards you can unlock. These are the rewards.

  • Win Posse Feuds (1/5/10/15/20).
  • Win Horse Races (1/5/10/15/20).
  • Win Showdowns (5/25/50/75/100).
  • Win Posse Races (1/5/10/15/20).
  • Win Feuds (1/5/10/15/20).
  • Place 1st in a Posse Versus (1/5/10/15/20).
  • Place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in a Free Roam Event (5/25/50/75/100).
  • Win Free Roam Events (5/25/50/75/100).
  • Win 5 types of Free Roam Events (5).
  • Stop a rival Posse or player from completing their Free Roam mission (5/25/50/75/100).
  • Get the first kill in a Shootout (5/25/50/75/100).
  • Get the last kill in a Shootout (5/25/50/75/100).
Did our Red Dead Online Awards List help you? Let us know in The Pit below.


Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

2 responses

  1. Chattymonk says:

    They can not be reset “infinitely” but instead just 10 times each.

  2. Goat says:

    So, there’s no downside to resetting an award, and we definitely need to do it ASAP, then?

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