What to Do with The Janitor’s Watch in Subject 2923 – Remnant From the Ashes

Featured image on What to Do with The Janitor's Watch in Subject 2923 guide for Remnant From the Ashes.

During the campaign in the Subject 2923 expansion for Remnant From the Ashes there is the possibility you will find an item called the Janitor’s Watch. This red item can be returned to its right full owner. Who exactly is that owner? Continue reading below to learn what to do with the Janitor’s Watch in Subject 2923.

Where to Find the Janitor’s Watch

Image showing where to find the Janitor's Watch in Subject 2923 update for Remnant From the Ashes.

The Janitor’s Watch is a key item you will find in the hub of Reisum during the Subject 2923 campaign. When you pick up this item it is added to your key items tab. Once you have the watch continue through the campaign until you reach Subject 2923 and the Elder at the end of the Resium world.

Give Janitor’s Watch to Subject 2923

Image showing what to do with the Janitor's Watch in Subject 2923.

During this story sequence you will speak to Subject 2923. If you have the Janitor’s Watch during this conversation you unlock the option to ask Is this yours? [GIVE WATCH]. Select this option to give the watch to Subject 2923. Once she receives the watch she will give you the Amber Moonstone ring for your troubles.

What Does the Amber Moonstone Ring Do?

Like other Trinkets the Amber Moonstone ring has a passive associated with it that applies when it is equipped. The passive for the Amber Moonstone ring is:

“When the wearer’s Health drop below 25% they gain 25% damage reduction and immunity to STATUS effects.”

That’s all you need to to know about what to do with the Janitor’s Watch. This red item allows you to receive the Amber Moonstone ring if given to the right NPC. What do you think of this ring? Let me know in the comment sdown below.

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A lifelong gamer who has devoted the last six years to the creation and development of "Hold To Reset," a website tailored by gamers for gamers. Yell your hot takes at him on X.

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