Remnant 2 Blue and White Flame Torch Puzzle

Remnant 2 blue and white torches puzzle solution.

The Remnant 2 blue and white Flame torch puzzle, is a puzzle player may encounter in the Council Chamber, Shattered Gallery, or Gilded Chamber biomes of Losomn. This puzzle tasks players with lighting torches, either blue or white, to open a locked door. To learn more about the Remnant 2 throne room torch puzzle, see our guide below.

Where to Find the Blue and White Flame Torch Puzzle in Remnant 2

Remnant 2 blue and white flame torch puzzle room map location.
The torch room looks like this.

You may encounter the blue and white flame torch puzzle in Council Chamber, Shattered Gallery, or Gilded Chamber biomes. In both of these locations there is a large rectangular throne/audience room with torches on both sides. Behind the throne in this room is a locked door and the torches are lit with either a blue/white/or no flames.

How to Solve the Blue and White Torch Puzzle in Remnant 2

To solve the puzzle you need to shoot the torches to create a solid color line. This means you either want all the torches in the room to be blue or all of them to be white. Doing this opens the door behind the throne and let’s you reach a certain rewards (depending on the color of the torches you chose). As there are two possible rewards, it takes two runs to get both items.

Blue and White Torch Flame Rewards

There are two possible rewards you can get from this puzzle depending on the color of the torches you choose. Both items can be yours if you do two runs, doing the other color on your second run. The rewards are as follows:

  • Blue Torches – Black Pawn Stamp (Ring).
    • Reduces Cooldowns of Skills by 10%.
  • White Torches – White Pawn Stamp (Ring).
    • Reduces Mod Power Requirement by 10%.

As the torches remain permanently lit you must do the other color on your next playthrough to get the ring you didn’t get the first time. Both rings appear in your Ring inventory after you’ve collected them.

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