Pokemon Legends Arceus Wurmple Can Evolve Guide

In Pokemon Legends Arceus there are special requests players can make made by certain NPCs. These requests typically involve catching a specific Pokemon or gathering certain resources. The first request you get in the game is called Request 1 Wurmple Can Evolve. Use our Pokemon Legends Arceus Wurmple Can Evolve guide to complete.
Request 1 Notes
- Requested By: Beauregard (HQ guard).
- Description: “Beauregard of the Security Corps head about Evolution from the professor, and now Beauregard wants to evolve a Wurmple of his own. You need to Catch one for him.”
- Target: Wurmple (Obsidian Fieldlands).
- Rewards: Dazzling Honey x3.
Where to Start Wurmple Can Evolve (Request 1)
You will start the Request 1 Wurmple Can Evolve side quest during the main story. As you are headed to complete the Getting to Work on Research Tasks mission, Beuregard will stop you. Speak to him to accept the request from him. This request is completed in the Obsidian Fieldlands.
Catch Wurmple and Give it to Beauregard
To complete this request you need to catch a Wurmple for Beauregard. To do this head to the Obsidian Fieldlands. Wurmples are located in few locations. I caught mine at the map marking shown above. The red caterpillar creatures are amongst the trees. Sneak up on the Pokemon or fight them. Catch one then go back to Beauregard.
Speak to Beauregard and give him a Wurmple. He thanks you for getting him the Pokemon and asks you to pick a name for its evolved form. Pick the name and you will complete the Request. You receive 3x Dazzling Honey for your efforts.
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