How to Open Vaulthalla Secret Room in Borderlands 3

At the end of the Borderlands 3 Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck DLC you will enter Vaulthalla, a large treasure filled area. In this area after the boss fight you will have a set time to open as many chests as possible. In this large treasure room there is a secret room you can open in the back. Learn how to open Vaulthalla secret room in Borderlands 3 below.
Vaulthalla Secret Room
The steps needed to open this secret room in Vaulthalla are a bit convoluted so I figures it was easiest to point you towards a great video by Joltzdud139 showing how it’s done. Follow the video above for an easy walkthrough. For a less spoilery guide consult the text below.
Basically what you need to do is shoot a number of yellow switches throughout Vaulthalla spanning from the starting room all the way to the treasure room. When you shoot these yellow switches they will turn green. In total you need to shoot 12 switches:
- 6 in starting area/The Lesionhall.
- 3 in Psychoreaver boss room.
- 3 in first treasure room.
If you managed to find and shoot all of 12 of the switches in the areas mentioned above you will unlock the second treasure room. Inside this room you will find a number of treasure chests. It may seem like you are done here, but there is actually a second room you can unlock. In the second treasure room there are another 12 switches. Hit all 12 switches to open the third room on the ledge above.
That’s all you need to know to open the secret room in the Vaulthalla zone of the Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck DLC. If you want to maximize your haul each time you complete this zone you will want to open these secret rooms up to get at the chests inside. Happy hunting.
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