10 Places You Need to Visit in Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 mutant creature
What you find on the second floor is... disturbing.

Below you will find five more locations you need to visit in Red Dead Redemption 2. This page is part of our list of the 10 places you need to visit in Red Dead Redemption 2. Start at page 1 if you wish to see the previous five we covered up to this point. Warning: Spoilers Below.

5. Robot’s Resting Place

To experience this strange location event, you need to first have completed the Marko Dragic Stranger Mission arc (which starts in Saint Denis). Once you’ve completed the story arc you will receive the Electric Lantern. If you’ve noticed, the Electric Lantern often changes from Orange to Red when you’re moving it around. This change in color is a clue. When the Electric Lantern is Red, you are heading in the right direction. If you follow the Electric Lantern, you will eventually reach the location shown above. At this location you will find Marko Dragic’s robot in what is one of the sadder moments in RDR2.

4. Derailed Train

The next location I am going to send you is to the old derailed train. As the name suggests, at this location you will find a train that has gone off the tracks and is now sitting down a steep cliff. There are a number of lootable items you can find on the train which can be sold to a Fence for some serious money.

3. Bonnie Macfarlane’s Husband’s Corpse

Like the robot above, this is also one of the sadder location events in Red Dead Redemption 2. As the name of this suggests, the location we are headed is home to the corpse of Bonnie Macfarlane’s husband. If you remember, Bonnie Macfarlane is a character from the first Red Dead Redemption, who is a widow. Going to the location above fills in why this is the case by reading the note you find there.

2. Foreseer’s Cabin

While most of the locations above are interesting, these last two I will highlight are proving to have potentially major links to a number of the mysteries in RDR2. The first location is the Forseer’s Cabin. This cabin located along the Kamassa River is home to a number of interesting things:

  • Map of Armadillo with “I offered you happiness or two generations. You made your choice.”
  • Mysterious writing on walls pertaining to events in the story.
  • Poem about Jimmy (changes whether you killed him or not).
  • Painting in progress. Becomes complete at 100% game completion. Shows the Strange Man.

Not much is known about this cabin, but there are some crazy connections to the storyline of Red Dead Redemption 2 find inside it. Make your way to this location and see what you can find.

1. Mount Shann

Mount Shann in Red Dead Redemption 2

Mount Shann is a place of many mysteries.

It just wouldn’t be a Rockstar game without some mysterious mountain. Mount Shann seems to be that mysterious mountain in Red Dead Redemption 2. Located in Big Valley, Mount Shann, like the Foreseer’s Cabin proving to be the home for a number of different mysterious including the following:

What all of these mysteries are leading to is anyone’s guess, but it is a definitely interesting place to visit. Hopefully these clues prove to be part of a larger mystery that the community will be able to solve together.

Read More: Check out our other Red Dead Redemption 2 guides.

Which of the  10 places you need to visit in Red Dead Redemption 2 did you find most interesting? Let me know in The Pit below.


A lifelong gamer who has devoted the last six years to the creation and development of "Hold To Reset," a website tailored by gamers for gamers. Yell your hot takes at him on X.

3 responses

  1. enricofairme says:

    What’s the strangest location you’ve visited in RDR2?

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