Remnant From the Ashes Swamps of Corsus: What to Do With the Cryptolith Sigil

The new DLC for Remnant From the Ashes introduces a number of additions to the game including new boss fights and new puzzles for players to complete. One puzzle players will encounter is the through an item called the Cryptolith Sigil. To learn more about what to do with this item read our what to do with the Cryptolith Sigil guide below.
How to Get the Cryptolith Sigil?

The first step in completing this quest is to get the Cryptolith Sigil item. To do this start a Corsus Adventure and be on the lookout for a Dungeon called the Iskal Temple/Iskal Sanctum. In this Dungeon you will encounter the Iskal Queen. Speak to the queen to have her give you the Cryptolith Sigil. Note you do not have to fight her but can simply leave after getting the item from her.
Where to Take the Cryptolith Sigil?

Once you have the Cryptolith Sigil you will need to look for the large tower picture above. This tower spawns next to the Cryptolith checkpoint in the large open area of Corsus (ie not in a Dungeon). This may take you a few runs to get to spawn, but keep in mind the Cryptolith Sigil will stay in your inventory while your reset the Adventure.
Once you’ve found the tower approach it and interact with it. Place the Cryptolith Sigil by selecting it from the inventory screen that appear. When the sigil is placed you will receive the Concentration trait which improves Weapon Mod duration when ranked up.
That’s all you need to know about the Cryptolith Sigil. Completing this questline is an easy way to unlock a rather useful trait. Especially if your build is reliant on weapon mods to be useful.
bruh l cant find this bitch,lm on my 6th try,and l dont get,if you get all the needed places in one try,or you have to reset your adventure,lve cehcked everywhere but no one says nothing conclusive about this man. also l found her once but she went nstant aggro,but l dont want to kill her as a random bosss encounter. like wtf this shit mechanic.